eh,,,why the heck not!

soooo peeps!

long time no speak and all.i must say i am getting very annoyed at this blog! i type type type and then delte,delete,you get it. so nothing major to post. apart from a great idea. No not one of those “nada,you crazy gurl,its 2 am and you on about them all in one skirt/pant/tees again?” this is a great idea that if I had the money I would start myself. so I have been looking for THE ultimate job/career. Well lets be harsh,i have been looking for anything in design,or that is even remotely creative. But lets say im an idealist,i am after all the definition of a neurotic eternal opptimist! so I have been looking for my ideal career which is:

1) would involove working for the daily show,or jhon stewart and the daily shows crew in some capacity and saturday night live.literally i want to be on that writing table!

2) styling and designing bespoke clothing for Nicki minaj,Khloe Kardashian,kanye west and Beyonce as well as being the art director and stylist for any photoshoot involving red hot chillie peppers,green day,mumford and sons and the foo fighters,so basically working for NME mag too

3) hustlin’ my designs to high end boutiques and rich folk and making a killin’

4) finally going to work somewhere like mad men,and finding that the cast of the mindy project and new girl work with me in this made up design heaven.oh and finally working preferably for someone like betsey johnson.

so thats my ideal job,its design mixed with a hell of alot of funnt people and some I was typing all these ridonkulous descriptions into job sites and search engines,things like “job+snookie+stylist” ect and shock shock horror my dream job dosent exist outside the made up world of comedy central!

so heres my grand idea,why isnt there a site,where we post the job we want,we post how amazing we are as creative people and then companies have o apply to hire us! so my ad would go something like this:

“female designer,creative,innovator,has designed in anything from maternity wear to menswear,bla bla bla,point is im a creative being and i am kick ass at what i do,so heres what i want,i’m over grovelling on applications and begging you people for a job,my designs were good enough to steal,the their good enough to buy,so here are my job demands:

1)work space must be filled with quirky figures and comic book parphinillia,as wel as bg bang dvd sets.

2) team must never prance around like they have jumped out of americas next top model,and should eat atleast once a day and always smile,no photoshoot pouting!

3) no annoyin,fake,back stabbing employees around,only workplaces with fun loving great family teams need apply

4) must appriciate new,fresh ideas and methods

5)must understand that if based in london they must pay double the salary just so peeps can avoid being homeless! also health insurance is a plus

6) must have a great atmostphere for brainstorming,allow career potential to be reached,provide a kick ass mac and a bunch of annual courses as well as,a team building employees and spouse retreat every year.

7)must let me go to atleast one of the international fashion weeks and introduce me to one famouse person that i can make wear my gear!

see not that much to ask is it,whos in ? lets make a “why should i work for you ?” website,bout time we gave our selves some worth and got head hunted,if this exists by the way id love to be informed so i can pitch my ideal job on there

anyway back to designing,gigi’s salones new sign and tees!

till next time my friends,sorry bout spelling but dont have time to correct.


my interview on daily news egypt!

my interview on daily nes egypt!

so i finally got an interview published! These past few months,or years even have been an ordeal with huge cascading shooting bursts of light that could brighten the darkest night,they keep me going.things like seeing my hubby everyday,my wedding,being alive,getting recognized as a designer,seeing my late grandad smile and to hear him call my name,so i know that even though hed forgotten everyone he always remembered me. there have been times when everything closed in and suffocated any sign of hope or speck of this week and there have been days when i wanted to give up and stop creating and willing things better.then come these intense super novas,these sparks that bring me back from the brink,in the form of people,students,my nephews smile and saying he misses me,my grandad telling me a story,and now the memory of his awsomeness,the simple thank yous nd oohs and ahhhs when people see a piece i did.this tiny spark is an interview,a short interview that i thanks for sharing it with me.

I will be back soon so count down!

I’m back! And this time I’m gunna bring it! Designz sarcasm,dunking rap versing the lot! Follow my mega ride this year 2013 will be my biatch!! So stay tuned,I decided why am ii even applying for jobs,I’m gunna make it on my here
Continue reading

i got my fabric samples!

so ,i got my samples of my fabic of the awsome :

check it out its fabricliciouse!! so i’ll be posting some pics of it really soon and what i have made with my fab farics. but the main thing that got me writing this post,is that wierd dread and adrenaline filled feeling you get when u r 27. You know i am a movie geek,i mean i love films and tv and anything that picks you u and drops you in that surreal plain of what if you could be there and do that. do u ever wander how actors and singer and designers got to where they are. i mean some say they sold their soul to the devil,some say its pure dedication and an ocd focus,and some say it was a fatefull,lucky decision they made,and they made it.

anyway ,if your life could take scenes out of any movie,what would they be? who would you be and why? maybe if you really think about this seriousely you will get some insight into your life,maybe you will figure out your goals and finally realize you can get there!

so instead of moping about the shit i have in my life,and feeling guilty about the amazing people that i hav that i dont always deserve,i am gong to get through it all and i am going to write my own shitty romcom,or geeky marvel comic flick,and i will rise up and make it!

who gives a crap if i am 27,i’ve still got alot of fight left in me,and i realy want 2012 to be the year that i see a little bit more of light coming off my star,i wanna make my hubby proud,and i want to make myself proud.

i really hope i get some comments fom you guys,and you can share your dreams,and film scenes with me.

love you munchkins!!!xxxx

Meet the real-life Disney princesses! Cartoon stars come to life in uncanny photo shoot | Mail Online

Meet the real-life Disney princesses! Cartoon stars come to life in uncanny photo shoot | Mail Online.

i heart this!!! i love it,i mean come on who dosen’t adore disney charecters and some of them are kinda hot! like jessica rabbit,BUT BUT BUT,

YES I KNOW.. i always have somethingto say,don’t you think mr ryan the photogropher could have got the colours exactly right?i’m talking bout details people,u know like jessica rabbits blue shiny gloves suddenly became purple,snow whites dress,things like that,jasmines entire outfit! the hair and gal were amazing but then  she had this cheap just wrong out fit on! i mean i could have eeven ssewn him replicas of all these,i mean the shoot was amazing,but its just really annoyingthat things like this ,slipped. i mean these super charecters,have been round for ages and its the first shoot i’ve seen thats really good of them,but you might as well make it brilliant,anyway thats just my oppinion but still love it.

night all you munchkins xoxo

hey all you veiled chicas! fashion flash!

so my fashion monkeys! yes i know i have been a bit absentee but i have been working like a maniac on my new collection,and guess what?

this year,all of my designs will have a twin suitable for the more modest or veiled chick!! just cuz u got a scarf on don’t mean you have to be UN fashionable,u can still look sasy and wear accessories!

so here is a fun sketch as a taster,but in a few months itll be real!! and ALL THE FABRIC PRINTS ARE MY DESIGNS! so get ready for the real jump in the revolution!

love you guys and pleaseeeee comments!

this is ridonkulouse! check out this if you are a woman! or anyone!

نائبة إخوانية تطالب بإلغاء قانون التحرش الجنسي وتلقي بالمسئولية على المرأة

now i know this article is in arabic,but if you are of a foreign language,then pleaseee for the love all things feminine,translate this mother!

i mean some seriouse shite has been going down in enchanted land of the pyramids,and yes i am not very intune with most of it,sice i am unfortunately not there,and THERE IS SOOO mush drama,MANY PEOPLE CLAIMING THEY ARE RIGHT! to be honest I have lost count of who is “the one” for the “perfect” idealistic presidrncy that we dream of,and who is the evil villain,i mean they all start off preching flowers and roses,then all of a sudden…BOOM,they have all some how morphed into mr hyde! now i dunno who you are supporting if anyone,i mean theres barad3y,whom i have lost track of whether he is an agent of evil or hes a good guy or merely a brain on puppet strings. and now there’s abu el futuh who seems like a genuine stand up citizen and looks like an all round caring dude!then of course there are…dum DUM daaaaaa, the islamic brotherhood and salafiyen,and all,now Here is the article that proves why anyone who supports this alien woman should NOT BE IN POWER OF A HOOVER LET ALONE A PARILIMENT!! i mean they should gag the woman,i dunno maybe we have unjustly judged her,maybe she is a man in disguise,or her children are being held hostage and she is being forced to say these bizarre sexist things,or maybe she is possesed by the spirit of evil dictators and sultans past! either way if i see her in the street id gladly pnch or admit her to a mental institution,

it starts here my fellow egyptians,first its this monstosity,then its the restriction of you tube! then its the mandatory uniform for women,a black sack,then its the banning of razors….then who knows maybe they’ll just ban life all together!

anyway,my conclusion to this matter is: i don’t like whats happening,i would like to change it,and i hate this bitch!

نائبة إخوانية تطالب بإلغاء قانون التحرش الجنسي وتلقي بالمسئولية على المرأة.



Watch “George Clooney and dad Nick address crowd before being handcuffed” on YouTube awsome! The man is not only hot,a mega star,serial monogomist and frugal,but now he’s getting arrested for the right reasons,unlike many other self involved celebs that get arrested for stupidity,but good old Clooney helpping the cause! I wish more celebs would use their influence Luke him.and his awsome dad!!!

NOT a fashion post

so this is more of a rant to be honest with you,i i would love all ur not to feel sorry for myself,but ever since i only got to the final 50 for rihannas show,i haven’t been feeling my self,i dunno,i feel like theres a little less hope than usual.ok so over that bit! but what do you do when your having a mental ,chi,creative,life block!any ideas peeps?

i want to sketch,i cant,

i want to start my line,i cant ,i dont have the money which sucks and i just dont have the drive,so my fellow bloggers and cyber fashionistas,id love some feedback!!

and then i guess at some point ill be back on track,thank god i have my zoozoo!!

Part 2:fashion week,was…bla

Hi my fave fashion munchkins! so here we are the end of the trip that was fall fashion week or weeks,now i did think i was saving the best for last,but unfortunately the rest of Paris fashion week was,,,well disappointing! I know ,how dare I,say disappointing about titants of fashion like good ‘ol Karl lagerfield,channel and givenchy,well its easy,they were just shy of ,dare i say it: DULL! its like everyone fell asleep and woke up a night before the show and decided to put some fabrics together.

ys yes i know,there were some beaded magnificent designs,and ofcourse,issey Miyaki whom i adore,and others but the general atmostphere seemed,well dull and it lacked the anticipation of greatness,i mean its the first time i didnt yearn to be there,to be honest i was quite happy checking it out on with a nice cup of tea.i mean maybe some designers will read this and it will get them thinking if us popers,no longer feel the magic how the hell will anyone else?

ok so here goes nothing,curtains up!

elie saab

LOVE the top,and guess wha anyone can wear it,!maybe with a sexy crimson ruffle vest? ellie saab


miu miu brings the 70's to life and the swinging 60's,now miu miu always has an aspect from these eras in their designs and this fall will be the same,i usually love their collections but this year,i didn't feel there was enough variations but i loved the collection.


Miu miu,loving the eye make up.


some more M and M goodness


Kanye messed,sorry! West ok that was harsh and so was Vogue and many other reports about this collection,but Kanye really? Paris? are you off your meds?i mean this was more one off show in the lower east side,and edgy pop up show in the NYC tents or in LOndon tawn,but NOT Paris.if it was anyone else i doubt they would ever be this harsh,but i think many golden oldies in the industry,do feel his a bit cocky to think he can roll up and join the big boys just like that.but i love his swagger and guts


kanye! ok so its ill fitting and trashy goodness,but you know what ,i think he should maybe fire his team and design himself,or get a team that understands his vision,because the only problem with the collection seems to be the lack of communication with in the design team and kanye,and maybe he was being abit too controlling or too busy with music to convey his message.i predict that his next collection,if he takes his time and is more involved in it will be brighter and better,and to be honest it loked like a lot of the collections,i mean i saw about 3 collections that i liked so i don't know why all those so called fashionistas have there panties in a twist.also his collection was a reflection of "my dark twisted fantasy"he mixed fashion with music. you know what Kanye? ill come design for you any day!


alexander mcqueen,god rest his soul is smiling at his legacy! i mean this is amazing,i love this collection and it still looks like mcqueen



the mcqueen collection reminded me of flowers blossiming,roses,beauty and the beat and just womanhoods


how whimsical is this! a mc quuen,is the king of conveying emotions,this was a varried collection with ruffle,full skirt,massive sleeves,bobbles,feathery fabrics and visors!


please look at the cut out detail on this mac.a mcqueen


a mcqueen


Louise vuitton, now the beading on these bad boys was amazing,but some of it looked like looking through a kaleidascope into the 70's! oh and mixed with harry potter's sorting hat! I resepec the workmanship,,,but i mean come on,judge for yourself


ok ok so i loved this one because the cut of the outfit did not look like a bag lady outfit! but seriousely i dont think they thought the Harry Potter hat through!


louise vuitton has not done it again here,it looks like a sarri,which isn't a bad thing but i just dont understand the coat with the sixties pattern


LV mmmm blaaa


LV ok so again workman ship is brill,but the cut sucks! i am so irrate and disappointed!


Valentiono,valentino,I loved so many pieces from this collection the prints were stunning and the fabrics and cuts!! l'amore valentino!oui


V does it again! yay! and the tapestry is here like in D and G's collection but this is vrried.


now why couldn't there be more delicate powerful cots like this? Valentino seems to be inspired by medevil art and ,to me it looks like berber,or tamazight,or bedouin art from north africa,mixed with mexican influence.


i want this for a wedding dress!


more spanish or south american influence with the gilet detail


how lush is this coat and it has a matching dress peeps!


channel! so here we see a very heavy Karl Lagerfield influence,with the geometric shapes the dark angular cuts and I do love the gem or ice structures on the front,check out the bedazzled eyebrows!


even though this dress sticksout like a sore thumb,thats because its so light and fluffy in comparison to the angular looks,but it is a new look for your cotton maxi and it will catch on its just sexy.


now im not quite sure why i chose this but i think it was because of the bag and trousers!channel


this is why peeps love channel!I love this outfit,even though its a cardi and leggings esentially,but it oozes sass!


chloe. now liked the mix of caj and formal here with the belt and gold fabric


who new some sweats and nan's wooly sweater could look so sexy? chloe


now i know this look has been done before,but not with this attention to cut,and with the red usually on top,so i love this,now us pinup divas can fall in love with red slacks all over again!


all i can say is: mm yeah,mm yeah,in a good saxo beat way,and finally a sexy dress with pockets big enough for an ipad!


well i liked the colours,and shades and detail but now i look at it im not sure




did anyone notice on stela macartney's runway that the models looked a bit like her?


stella maccartney is a genius and a great detail freak thats why her collections are instant hits,i love the pink trousers and the contrast jacket


embrace your dark side,stella!


givenchy,and this screams givenchy! the dark gothic feel with the orange is magical


if i could dress charlize theron for snow white film i would choose this in a maxi dark?


classic givenchy


i like the details and colour contrast.


my fave from the givenchy runway,ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

and that brings us to the end of fashions bla i mean week! anyways! i will be tredding on some new terrotories soon,i will be attempting to write y’all a comedy series through posts,don’t worry im sure ill fit some fashion in there!

and kanye if your reading,the offer still stnds to be ur head of design!